SafeLMD curriculum

    1. SAFELMD Course introductory video

    2. Online course at a glance

    1. LU1 - Description and learning outcomes

    2. Lesson 1 - Basic features of packaging

    3. Lesson 2 - Marking and labeling

    4. Lesson 3 - Safety requirements

    5. LU1 - Notes "Knowing Goods and packaging"

    6. Questions & Answers

    7. Multiple Choice Questions

    8. Practical exercise

    1. LU2 - Description and learning outcomes

    2. Lesson 1 - Classifications and characteristics of goods and mail

    3. Lesson 2 - Risks and handling requirements

    4. Lesson 3 - Administrative procedures, documents and liabilities

    5. LU2 - Notes "Handling and Administrative procedures"

    6. Questions & Answers

    7. Multiple Choice Questions

    8. Practical exercises

    1. LU3 - Description and learning outcomes

    2. Lesson 1 - Classification and meaning of road traffic regulations

    3. Lesson 2 - Classification and meaning of the road markings, traffic signs and signalization

    4. Lesson 3 - Safety requirements and communication to other road users

    5. LU3 - Notes "Road Safety Regulations"

    6. Questions & Answers

    7. Practical exercises

    8. Multiple choice questions

    1. LU4 - Description and learning outcomes

    2. Lesson 1 - Understanding the parts of the bicycle, power assisted bicycle, and carrier cycle

    3. Lesson 2 - Operating and using different types of bicycles – practical and theoretical lesson

    4. Lesson 3 - Malfunctions and maintenance/repair of bicycles

    5. LU4 - Notes "Bicycle characteristics"

    6. Questions & Answers

    7. Practical exercises

    8. Multiple choice questions

    1. LU5 - Description and learning outcomes

    2. Lesson 1 - Safety equipment for bicycle riding

    3. Lesson 2 - Riding Safely in Mixed Traffic

    4. Lesson 3 - Hazards at negotiating road junctions and entering pedestrian zones

    5. Lesson 4 - Planning a safe route

    6. LU5 - Videos

    7. LU5 - Notes "Basic of safe riding"

    8. Questions & Answers

    9. Practical exercises

    10. Multiple choice questions

The aim of Safe Last Mile Delivery is to make cycle logistics safer and greener. We develop learning materials that are tailored to the needs of LMD cyclists who can acquire the skills needed for sustainable deliveries and safe, accident-free routes.

Course content

The course is structed as follows:

  • Textual content

  • Additional materials (e.g. videos, informative texts)

  • Case studies

  • Multiple choice questions


  • Will I get a Statement of Accomplishment after completing this course?

    Certificates of completion will be awarded to learners who have successfully completed all course activities. The certificates will act as evidence of professional development and skills acquisition; they do not represent an official degree.

  • What about timing? Can I take this self-paced?

    You can go at your own pace! Within any week of the course, you can look at the materials and take assessments whenever you have time available, regardless of your time zone. The course is completely online and you can access course materials and resources anytime via the web or your mobile device.

  • Do I need to take the course in a specific order?

    Whereas the course has a modular structure allowing learners to choose the modules and lessons that better address their needs and interests, it is highly recommended that learners take the course in order as each lesson builds upon the previous.

  • Can I contact the facilitator?

    The SafeLMD MOOC is a self-guided course. Nonetheless, you can address your questions and queries regarding learning materials to the project staff at the following emails: [email protected]

Project Number: KA220-VET-000029639

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. .

SafeLMD consortium

BGZ Berliner Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit mbH